Feeling anxious about your family getting together this Thanksgiving? 

The Pew Research Center writes that "Americans have rarely been as polarized as they are today." As a matter of fact, their research shows that 77 percent of Americans believe the country has become more polarized since the pandemic — that is saying a lot. Before the pandemic, 40 percent of people from both sides of the aisle saw each other as the "enemy."

With that in mind, how will you be approaching thanksgiving dinner with family and friends this year?

Some people would suggest that you simply avoid the topic of politics altogether. Instead, I would like to suggest that you extend grace. Start with the fact that we are all imperfect and relationships are fragile. They must be handled with kindness and forgiveness.

Though we may not agree on everything, we can still experience a connection. How? By loving people for who they are, God's work of art, instead of judging them for what they think.

Let the connection take precedence over the conversation. Let our humility lead the conversation towards a connection rather than be divided by an imperfect conviction.

Now more than ever, people recognize the importance of being together — Let's not lose this opportunity to get close with our family and friends. Focus on the blessing of being together, and let your thankful heart lead you towards love this Thanksgiving.

In closing, let me leave you with the prayer from Saint Francis of Assisi. May you pray it quietly as you sit around the dinner table this year with your family and friends.

"God, grant me the grace to accept with serenity the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, And wisdom to know the difference."

See you on Sunday!

*As we prepare for this Christmas season, I encourage you to get a copy of "Low: An Honest Advent Daily Devotional. ORDER HERE